The scars of life roused me from sleep
And by the light of the moon You beckoned me to the shore
I couldn’t ignore that full-bright glow
Or the roar of the waves as they crashed upon the rock
So I sat upon that rock in mid-night
I watched that moon reflect the sun with all it’s might
And the water, too, doing all it could to shine right along with the moon
Every ripple grabbing what light it could
Reflecting, refracting, lighting up the night with beauty
Declaring with radiant passion that all is not darkness, no matter what it seems
No matter if all the waters behind and the forest around and the sky above
look black and cold as death
There is light.
There is warmth.
And in case you don’t see me shine this light that’s not my own,
I will shout, says the water
I will pour myself out as a sacrifice
I’ll be dashed upon the rocks with a sound like thunder
If only you will hear
Oh Lord, you called me into the night
Lured me into your presence with the moon and the waves
Shouting and shining for you
I was captivated
And all that I could think was this:
I can be like that moon
I could shine so bright that sleepers can’t help but be drawn into your presence
Let me be that water
Taking whatever rays of light I can find and shimmering like diamonds for You
Let me shout into the darkness that all is not dark–
There is light!
And if I must
Let me pour myself out and be dashed upon the rocks
With the hope that my determined refrain, even mixed with pain
Would reach the ears of those whose eyes cannot see
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